Saturday, March 04, 2006

Trains at Moji Station

Haven't travelled by train much lately...when I went to Moji, I went by ferry. But I did pop by the station to get some pictures.

Moji station is the last stop on this line, so lots of trains park here for maintenance and cleaning. The maintenance yards are not visible from outside, so no repair pics, but there were a bunch of trains I could get pictures of. I think the red Kyushu Railway trains are quite nice-looking.

Don't know what he was poking at...what he's holding is just a pole he took from the inside train next him.

And just like stations at home, here's a guy selling grilled squid out front.


Anonymous,  Mon Mar 06, 10:21:00 AM GMT+9  

Great Pics,

All is forgiven for taking the ferry.

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