Monday, March 20, 2006

Nagasaki Streetcars

I went to Nagasaki last week, and got some pics of their streetcars...they are quite varied, from old ones from the 40's and 50's to fairly new ones. I took the streetcars a lot, but because it rained nearly all the time, they were often too crowded to take pictures in. By that I mean they were so crowded I couldn't get my camera out of my pocket...the problem with the system is that it's only got half the cars it needs at peak times or when the weather is bad. A couple of pics are slightly out of focus because I took them while walking off the train and the autofocus couldn't keep up.

The driver's station...the big lever in the middle is the brake lever...the accelerator is on the other side.

Pic taken while trying not to be to obvious.

Here's the currently unused driver's station at the back of a car.

They use lots of different models of train...but the colors mean nothing about the route, that's indicated by the route sign above the windshield.

Tram stop in front of Nagasaki station.

Another driver's station...

This guy probably had a cold...the Japanese try to avoid spreading colds by wearing masks, although it looks strange.


Saturday, March 04, 2006

Trains at Moji Station

Haven't travelled by train much lately...when I went to Moji, I went by ferry. But I did pop by the station to get some pictures.

Moji station is the last stop on this line, so lots of trains park here for maintenance and cleaning. The maintenance yards are not visible from outside, so no repair pics, but there were a bunch of trains I could get pictures of. I think the red Kyushu Railway trains are quite nice-looking.

Don't know what he was poking at...what he's holding is just a pole he took from the inside train next him.

And just like stations at home, here's a guy selling grilled squid out front.


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I am currently teaching English at a couple of universities in and near Shimonoseki,Japan

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