Monday, February 20, 2006

Japanese Freights 1

Here are some freight cars that were on a siding near Hatabu station, close to my house. This is unusual, as they don't tend to leave cars sitting around for any length of least I seldom see them.

But this day I was biking to a store, taking the pedestrian underpass, and lo and behold, there was a freight train sitting there. Thinking of Lee, I stopped in the cold wind and took some shots.

I don't know the exact lengths of these cute little cars, but all of Japan's railroads are narrow gauge, so they are much smaller that US train cars. Note the container latching system...I've never seen a boxcar here. I guess with the size restrictions, they don't make much sense.

And an actual locomotive. Since most freights seem to run at night (passenger trains are nearly all stopped by midnight), you don't see these so much.

That's it for now.


Anonymous,  Tue Feb 21, 08:59:00 AM GMT+9  

Thanks Frank!

Frank Tue Feb 21, 10:14:00 AM GMT+9  

Any particular requests? As I said, I don't take trains everyday (buses are more convenient in my area)...but what are your specific interests?

Passenger trains, freights, or just anything I can get a good picture of?

Frank Thu Feb 23, 05:07:00 PM GMT+9  

Shrines and such will go on my main blog....assuming I'm well soon I'll be headed for Nagasaki soon. Lots of nice stuff there.

Anonymous,  Fri Feb 24, 07:52:00 AM GMT+9  

Don't forget to take TRAIN Pictures in and on the way to Nagasaki! See if the Conductor or Engineer will allow you to take pictures of them. Curious as to their uniforms. Take pictures (or snail mail) ticket stubs, maps, etc...

In other words, get train stuff!

Anonymous,  Fri Feb 24, 11:59:00 AM GMT+9  

By the way Frank, did I mention that I would like to see you get more TRAIN oriented content?


Frank Fri Feb 24, 04:36:00 PM GMT+9  

Me scared of Iron Horse! Bad medicine. Maybe picture make Iron Horse angry!

Actually, if I go to Kokura on Sunday, I'll get a bunch.

Anonymous,  Sat Feb 25, 06:42:00 AM GMT+9  

"You da man!"

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I am currently teaching English at a couple of universities in and near Shimonoseki,Japan

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